Thursday 6 November 2014

Eurostat - air passenger flow data completeness

Check out the latest version of the full dashboard - now with bump chart to show main destinations varying over time.

To get a sense of the completeness of the avia_par_xx data series that I've loaded from Eurostat, here's a quick chart of the counts of pax from the data that are loaded into the dashboard.

Shows quickly that it's Greece (EL) and France (EF) where delivery seems to have stopped after 2010 - and France missed data in 2004-2006. But other States are pretty complete, even if some joined the process only recently.

The issue with French data seems to be that they reported pax on board and commercial pax flights in 2005, but not departing seats - I'll need to work out how to patch up the gap and check if it's the same issue with the Greek data.

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