Saturday 1 November 2014

European airport flows - now complete to 2012

So the APFlows dashboard is now complete, with all the data to 2012 at least. There do seem to be some gaps when monthly data has not been provided by some States (Greece, France for some years). There was a problem earlier with the 2013 data, so I'll come back to this at a future date, after I've linked APComp to a more complete set of data.

There are two versions of the workbook 'Pax' has the full data in - 'Pax Dev' uses only a subset, so if you find only a few airports, you should check.

Here's the Pax. (The seasonality doesn't look as if it's airport of departure specific - I'll check).

[For links to dashboard - production and development versions - see top of page.]

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