I wanted to identify moving objects in video (or still) images - preferably using R as that's my tool of choice. I thought this might be challenging, but it proved to be relatively easy.
The basic steps are:
- Import the images from the video, discard the 'empty' ones and save the interesting ones. [R, with ImageMagick]
- Run the interesting images through a neural net to locate and identify objects. Save the locations for some later stage of the project. [R, yolo]
- Stitch the results back together. [R, ImageMagick]
There's an example here, applied to video from a 'camera trap' in the garden.
I'm using the R packages tidyr, dplyr, magick and image.darknet.
We want to save just those images from the video where there is movement (change from one to the next), but to maintain the image index which indicates the original frame ID (and hence the time).
On my machine, yolo is fast - about 1.5 seconds per image - but filtering out images with no movement in them using 'image_compare' is about 40 times faster, so well worth the trouble.
1a. Faff around with names and directories
mov_dir <- "image/movies/" # for output
mov <- "~/Movies/Garden/2020Q4/12240009 dog.mp4"
fps <- 5 # use a low value, eg 5 during testing then up to the full frames-per-second later
no_change_threshold <- 1000
fuzz_threshold <- 15 # use 10 for night vision, 15 otherwise
mov_img_name <- stringr::str_remove_all(mov, "(.*/)|(.mov)|(.mp4)|(.MOV") %>%
stringr::str_replace_all(" ", "_") %>%
stringr::str_c(paste0("_", fps, "fps"))
mov_img_dir <- paste0(mov_dir, mov_img_name)
dir.create(mov_img_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
1b. Read in the images from the video
imgs <- image_read_video(mov, fps = fps)
1c. Nothing is moving if two images are the same
#check for no movement
diff <- unlist(lapply(1:(length(imgs) - 1),
function(x) {image_compare_dist(imgs[x], imgs[x+1],
metric = "AE",
fuzz = fuzz_threshold)}))
# apply threshold
diff <- (diff < no_change_threshold)
# if TRUE, then apply to image and the next one
keep_movement <- !(c(diff, FALSE) | c(FALSE, diff))
1d. Save the interesting ones
# 5 digits should be find unless you're making very long videos
z <- lapply(1:length(imgs),
if (keep_movement[x])
paste0(mov_img_name, "_frame",
stringr::str_pad(x, 5, pad = "0"),
format = "jpg", quality = 50)
2. Run the neural net
I'm using Joseph Redmon's YOLO because it's super quick, and it's available through the 'image.darknet' package in R, from BNOSAC.
In fact, I wanted to extract the coordinates of the rectangles from YOLO. This isn't built in to 'image.darknet', perhaps because YOLO - while very impressive - has pushed for speed over precision rectangles. Whether there's really enough precision for my end purpose remains to be seen, but in any case, I forked it to make a very small amendment: adding the rectangle coordinates to the output, using the advice of Brian O'Donnell.
If you prefer to run the 'official' version (on github, but not yet on CRAN) then it will work, but you won't be able run xxx successfully, to parse the log.
The steps for running yolo owe a lot to Duncan Golicher and Tomasz Weiss. I've tweaked the parsing of the log quite a lot, to pick up details of the image - and there's more faffing around with filenames and directories, because I want the code to manage the files in a tidy fashion.
2a. Install the package
# original version...
# devtools::install_github("bnosac/image", subdir = "image.darknet", build_vignettes = TRUE)
# my version with added reporting...
# devtools::install_github("david6marsh/image", subdir = "image.darknet", build_vignettes = TRUE)
2b. Setup the neural net
detect <- image_darknet_model(type = 'detect',
model = 'tiny-yolo-voc.cfg',
# model = 'yolo.cfg',
weights = system.file(package='image.darknet', 'models', 'tiny-yolo-voc.weights'),
labels = system.file(package='image.darknet', 'include', 'darknet', 'data', 'voc.names'))
# a function to apply yolo to a bunch of images
yolo <- function(x,
thresh = 0.3,
config = detect,
source_path = "image", pred_path = "pred"){
fl <- paste(source_path, x, sep="/")
pred <- image_darknet_detect(file = fl,
object = config,
threshold = thresh)
# output is png so save as png but in pred_path
paste0(pred_path, "/",
paste0(stringr::str_remove_all(x, "(.jpg)|(.png)|( )"), ".png")
## Redirecting stdout to give text details of capture- from D Golcher
# redirect to file
Rcpp::cppFunction('void redir(){FILE* F=freopen("capture.txt","w+",stdout);}')
# and for flushing - to get the final text
Rcpp::cppFunction('void fflush(){fflush(stdout);}')
2c. Parse the log to extract details, into a data frame
yolo_to_df <- function(cap = "capture.txt",
path = "image"){
# Read in the output file
d <- data.frame(txt = unlist(readLines(cap))) %>%
mutate(id = row_number())
# split the 3 types of lines separately
path_ = paste0(path,"/")
d_file <- d %>%
filter(grepl("/", txt)) %>%
separate(txt, into = c("path", "file", "time_taken_s"),
sep = paste0("(",
")|(: Predicted in )|( seconds.)"), extra = "drop") %>%
mutate(path = path)
d_box <- d %>%
filter(grepl("Boxes", txt)) %>%
separate(txt, into = c("b", "boxes", "sig_boxes", "other"),
sep = "(:)|(of which)|(above the threshold.)", extra = "drop") %>%
select(-b, -other)
d_boxes <- d %>%
filter(grepl("Bounding", txt)) %>%
separate(txt, into = c("object", "prob", "left", "top", "right", "bottom"),
sep = "(Bounding Box: Left=)|(:)|(, Top=)|(, Right=)|(, Bottom=)",
extra = "drop")
# recombine, and convert to correct types
df <- d_file %>%
bind_rows(d_box, d_boxes) %>%
arrange(id) %>%
fill(path:time_taken_s, .direction = "down") %>%
# grouping by time is strange, but serves as identifier of run
group_by(path, file, time_taken_s) %>%
mutate(id = min(id)) %>%
# fill in the gaps and compress
fill(boxes:sig_boxes, .direction = "updown") %>%
filter(sig_boxes == 0 | !is.na(object)) %>%
mutate(across(c(boxes, sig_boxes, left:bottom), as.integer)) %>%
mutate(time_taken_s = as.double(time_taken_s),
prob = as.numeric(sub("%", "", prob)) / 100) %>%
arrange(path, file, time_taken_s, desc(prob)) %>%
2d. Detect and label objects in the images
imgs <- c(dir(path=mov_img_dir, pattern="jpg"))
pred_img_dir <- stringr::str_replace(mov_img_dir, "image", "pred")
dir.create(pred_img_dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
z <- file.remove("capture.txt")
d <- lapply(imgs, yolo, thresh = 0.25,
source_path = mov_img_dir, pred_path = pred_img_dir)
fflush() # to get result from final image
2e. Parse the text results
# and save the results as a dataframe
df <- yolo_to_df("capture.txt", path = mov_img_dir)
save(df, file = paste0("data/boxes_",
stringr::str_replace(Sys.time(), " ", "_"),
3. Stitch the images back together
pred_imgs <- paste0(pred_img_dir, "/",
stringr::str_replace(imgs, ".jpg", ".png"))
m_imgs <- image_read(pred_imgs) %>%
image_crop(geometry = "1280x670") # trim off the bottom - camera logo
path = paste0(pred_img_dir, "/", "sheep_dog.mp4"),
framerate = 5)
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