Quick legends with circlize chord plots
The circlize package from Zuguang Gu is fantastic for drawing chord plots, amongst other things. It will even allow multiple arrows between two nodes.
#create quick dataframe
links <- expand.grid(c("From_A","From_B"), c("To_C","To_D", "To_E"), c("cars", "vans"))
names(links) <- c("from", "to", "type")
links$traffic <- sample.int(15, size = nrow(links))
links$colour <- ifelse(links$type == "cars", "red", "blue")
chordDiagram(links[,c("from", "to", "traffic")],
col = links$colour,
directional = 1, direction.type = "arrows", link.arr.type = "big.arrow")
You need graphics::legend, plus circlize:add_transparency so that the colours in your legend match those used for the chords.
#for consistency
transparency <- 0.5
chordDiagram(links[,c("from", "to", "traffic")],
col = links$colour,
directional = 1, direction.type = "arrows", link.arr.type = "big.arrow",
transparency = transparency)
legend(x = "bottomleft", inset = 0.05, bty = "n",
legend = c("Cars", "Vans"),
fill = add_transparency(c("red", "blue"), transparency),
border = "white")