I've gone off on a tangent, analysing data from just two ANPRs, a mile apart on the A36 Warminster Rd, on the outskirts of Bath. They give me average speeds for some 65,000 transits over two weeks.
This is a residential 30mph zone, with a straight section, blind bend and narrow hill, though perhaps you might not think that, judging from this box plot (a smaller sample of 3 days). Each dot is a vehicle along the road. The lowest speeds are where they stop or detour (I'll put a lower limit of 5mph on to eliminate these). November 8 & 9 saw a little queueing heading into town in the morning, but these were the only cases where the speeds are not clustered around 30mph. (That's "around" - little sign of a limit in these data.)
From the data, we can split vehicles into cars, light commercial (LCVs), heavy commercial (HCVs - this is a trunk route with large lorries), public-service vehicles (PSVs) and a rare few others that we'll ignore. The scary thing is that there's no sign that trucks are travelling any more slowly than cars. Only public-service vehicles are noticeably slower, given the 3 bus stops on this section. (All days of data are included here.)
In this large survey, at peak hours there were typically 40 vehicles per hour sustaining 33mph or more over the 1 mile route. The top sustained speed was over 60mph, and one van driver managed to get 3 times into the top 20, each time doing more than 50mph.
Definitely some room for improving safety here.
Code is available on github, data from BathHacked.org.