Thursday 5 May 2016

Air passenger data updated

I've also updated the passenger data. Again, all states seem to have provided data up to at least June 2015. See the link above.

For those of you using SDMX, there are more code changes to download these data:
  • PASS_BRD_DEP has become PAS_BRD_DEP
  • PASS_ST_DEP has become ST_PAS_DEP
  • PASS_CAF_DEP has become CAF_PAS_DEP

Cargo updated

It's been a while since I updated the cargo dashboard in Tableau.
Now it has the latest 2015 data. These are complete for 31 states from Jan 2008 to June 2015. There is already data for 20 states in December 2015, but we'll have to wait for the full 2015 data.

See the link at the top of the page for access to Tableau.

If any of you are using SDMX to access these Eurostat aviation data (avia_gor_xx), note that they've changed a code for one of the dimensions: from FRM_CAF_DEP to CAF_FRM_DEP. Obvious! Apart from that the update process was smooth (thanks to the RJSDMX package maintainers in R, and all the other R and Tableau folk).